Well New York has been off to an exciting start! You have to remember, the last time I lived here, I was in my 20's, working a 9-7 job, single, and living in a shoe box studio.
Now, 8 years later I'm back and I'm a complete 180! I'm in my 30's, own my own business on my own time, I'm married with a daughter, and living in an apartment {and life!} of my dreams.
So yes, New York has been fun. But... there was something missing...
I was invited (and honored) to host a Mother's Day event in conjuntion with Cybex (the high end stroller and car seat company) and Fashion Mamas (a members-only organization that brings together working mamas in the fashion industry).
This event came at the perfect time for me. Amist relishing the new adventure that was New York City, came a deep loneliness -- missing my mama friends, companions, and co-workers in Los Angeles whom I had grown so close to -- sharing every silly detail about our parenting existance.
Although relationships like that never fade, it was important that I carved new relationships with like-minded mothers in New York City, so I jumped on the opportunity to host an event that catered to ultimate boss mamas.
The company, the decor, the florals, the food, and the laughs... it was all divine! Thank you to all who attended my Mother's Day brunch. I loved meeting each and every one of you! Until next time...