This summer I shook up my normal workout routine to get the abs I was looking for. Here's a quick exercise to try at home while watching TV (preferably Ladies of London).
Tag: malibu
This summer I shook up my normal workout routine to get the abs I was looking for. Here's a quick exercise to try at home while watching TV (preferably Ladies of London).
Being a beach babe never felt so REAL!
Taking babez to the beach can be a really fun experience-- if you're prepared! Fortunately, the Virgo in me had us packed up and ready to go the night before-- and it was an utter success.
Here are our beach essentials that I recommend not leaving home without:
1. Your baby carrier (I use a BabyBjorn). When schlepping all of the bags, chairs, tents, dogs {Wouldn't leave home without Homer, of course!} you need all the hands you can manage. Keeping baby on your chest is a safe and easy way to "set up shop".
2. A tent!!!! So necessary. Alternately you can use a pack and play and put a fitted crib sheet over the top for shade. The tent is necessary for 90% of baby's beach time. Sunday took her naps in the tent, did her tummy time, and we also changed her diapers in there. She was only outside of the tent for short intervals throughout the day since the sun was so bright and we didn't want her to get too much sun exposure.
3. BabyGanics SPF 50 sunscreen. No explanation needed.
4. Long sleeve clothing, a sun hat, a sweater, and extra changes of clothing. I'd rather have a hot baby than a burnt baby any day of the week! Sunday is wearing SkipHop's newest long sleeve collection which I have been loving now that the weather is cooling down a bit.
5. U-Line plastic drawstring bags. This is a classic stylist hack-- these U-Line plastic bags are my go-to for everything, from packing for a trip, to a day at the beach. They're drawstring, big enough to fit a stack of folded clothing, and perfect for everything from separating sandy/wet clothes from clean burp cloths, to organizing toys and accessories. They're durable and reusable!
6. A monogrammed baby beach towel. Ok, you caught me. This is NOT an essential, but it should be. Sunday rocked her monogrammed unicorn beach towel and she meant business. I don't know about you, but I've never personally owned a monogrammed beach towel. And I'm pretty sad about it. Plus, they're on sale now here for under $15. Great baby gift idea!!