How stretching can turn you into Gywneth Paltrow overnight...
I admit I'm that girl who sometimes dips out of a workout class before the stretch at the end. I get antsy with my time and my mind starts to wander back into work-mode.
But, I have been told by my trainers that stretching is just as important as the exercise itself! Case in point, if someone is telling me that laying on my back is going to help improve my body's flexibility, posture, blood supply, and ability to lengthen and lean -- I'll accept it. Bring it...
Here's a basic stretch that I do every morning post-workout...
Go grab that band that I told you to buy last month. :)
With the band in your hands, lay on your back and anchor both legs firmly to the ground like you're laying in bed. {See how great this "workout" is already?}
Wrap the stretch band around the ball of your left foot and raise your stick straight leg up into the air until you feel an extreme stretch. {See image above.} Hold for 20 seconds.
Keeping you left leg straight, slowly drop it to the left side of your body, with your shoulders remaining glued to the floor. Hold for 20 seconds.
Bring the straight left leg across your body to the opposite right shoulder, with both shoulders remaining glued to the floor. Hold for 20 seconds.
Switch sides.