As it unfolds, there is actually more to Japan than PVC pink studded booty packs.
Here are the top 37 reasons why I'm Big In Japan Obsessed with Japan...**Try to link each caption to the appropriate photo (jumbled for office entertainment purposes)!
37. Bonsai trees are not planted in dollhouse-sized pots.36. The countryside looks like Grandpa Joe's village from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.35. I found a purple faux fur for $27 at a fish market.34. Bows are kind of a big deal.33. A prawn crawled onto my plate, gave me a high five, then I took it down live and de-headed in mouth. #fact.32. Ninja's are "in".31. Shi-"booya shaka" reminds me of Times Square in a good way.30. I touched a temple and it turned to gold.29. Mt. Fuji is breathtaking at certain angles.28. Mt. Fuji is smelly at certain angles.27. I hate graphic tee's, but if I liked them, I'd shop here.26. My spicy tuna roll showcased seaweed spikes.25. I watched a live tuna auction where the tunas weighed 4 times elshane and sold for 4 times my life insurance policy.24. Ordering from Japanese cartoon menus is like playing Sudoku with a Sharpie.23. Belgium waffles are "Japanese".22. There's a conveyor belt that brings me all the sushi I can eat.21. Futuristic coat checks leave no scarf left behind.20. History museums are boring.19. Rave parties are not boring. At all. Especially at 5am, mere hours before you then go to sleep, only to wake up on the 33rd floor of your hotel room to an earthquake. 18. Like Waldo, it seems elshane can stand out in a crowd of Japanese people.17. Love watching a 300 lbs Sumo wrestler cook me tender white fish.16. Outdoor fish markets are as common as Cali's "green health" stores.15. Japanese gardeners deserve to have oil painted portraits of their craft.14. Hello Kitty isn't popular, she's only a billboard on a bus.13. New-age architecture is so... new-age.12. Ice cream trucks are so darn cute.11. E. coli is not in the Japanese dictionary.10. I prefer when women dip my meats.9. Benihana did not invent that idea!8. The difference between the mountains of Kyoto and Cali are Kyoto's are real... Cali's are silicone.7. I need to see the movie The Last Samurai.6. A sushi chef's craft is compelling.5. A sushi chef who works at a conveyor belt restaurant isn't quite as motivated.4. Drugstore products are heartier because the colors on the packaging are richer.3. Hey big spender: you, at the slot machine, betting on Hello Kitty isn't getting you anywhere.2. Subways in Japan are ...subways.
1. I love Tentacles.