Us PREGGOZ can wear rompers, too!
The whole "fatty, not yet a baby bump, just a bulge around my stomach" stage was the worst for me. The truth is, being a petite girl all of my life, I was never before in a position where I've felt so uncomfortable with my body size, so I wasn't mentally prepared for that transition stage. So I relied heavily on baggy clothing and I sort of just dealt with it.
But then the fun part started. I'll never forget one bright morning at Starbucks when a stranger congratulated me {on my pregnancy}! The world was finally starting to notice that I hadn't just gained those dreaded holiday lbs, but it was an actual baby bump! I was officially out of the woods.
From that moment on, I was getting the same comments from strangers alike-- congratulations, cutting line privileges, seat offerings, you name it. Wow, those perks of pregnancy finally kicked in! I quickly forgot about the awkward phase and was fully enjoying bumpin' like a boo!
I bring this up because I think that with this ever-changing body deserves an ever-changing outlook on pregnancy style. I support wearing what makes you feel sexy. To me, that's this oversized tuxedo romper that I've had in my closet for years. Yeah, it dips so low in the front that you can basically see my brown belly line. Anyone have a problem with that? I sure don't...
Be it the romper or the crop top or the tight dress... don't let that belly define your state of mind. Rock it like it's hot!
Photographs taken in West Hollywood, CA by Sabrina Hill.