When us mommy's look for toys for baby, we look to hit all the senses, right? A fuzzy stuffed animal that moves his head and giggles, a wooden train that pieces together with a choo choo on top.
Well, what if your best toys were hiding in your very own closet? Sometimes when Sunday and I are getting stir crazy and we don't want to/can't go outside, we lock ourselves in my closet and get WILD.
I show her the fuzzy fur coats, the spiky sequin tops, and all of the colors of the rainbow. She opens and closes my accessories drawers, she takes clothes off the hangers, and she "cleans up" when we're done. (You know... putting all of the clothes in one pile at the corner of the closet!)
Point is, it's a great way to spend 20 minutes of time. Plus, it's a great way to revive that silver sequin dress that you haven't worn in years... ;)

Photographs taken for the Fashion Mamas website by @howlandrose